
BADLANDWikiisacommunitysitethatanyonecancontributeto.Discover,shareandaddyourknowledge!Trendingarticles.BADLAND.Snorf.Rolly.Clony.,Badlandsareatypeofdryterrainwheresoftersedimentaryrocksandclay-richsoilshavebeenextensivelyeroded.Theyarecharacterizedbysteepslopes, ...,漫畫的說明,Badlands位於新墨西哥。在戰爭!漫畫中,其中一張照片上的爆破兵戴著一個手套,上頭寫著「BadlandBrawlers」,意思是「荒野...


BADLAND Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! Trending articles. BADLAND. Snorf. Rolly. Clony.


Badlands are a type of dry terrain where softer sedimentary rocks and clay-rich soils have been extensively eroded. They are characterized by steep slopes, ...


漫畫的說明,Badlands 位於新墨西哥。 在戰爭!漫畫中,其中一張照片上的爆破兵戴著一個手套,上頭寫著「Badland Brawlers」,意思是「荒野的鬧事者」。這個Badland ...

Games - BADLAND Wiki

BADLAND is an action-adventure mobile video game developed by HypeHype Inc. (formerly known as Frogmind) and released for iOS and Android Platforms.

Showdown in the Badlands

2023年11月26日 — Showdown in the Badlands is Hearthstone's 25th expansion, featuring new 145 collectible cards released on November 14, 2023.

Spirit of the Badlands

2024年4月24日 — Spirit of the Badlands is a legendary paladin minion card, from the Showdown in the Badlands set.


惡地(英語:Badlands)或平頂山,是指鬆軟沉積岩和富含黏土的土壤大範圍的被風和水侵蝕的後的乾燥地勢。這種地勢的特徵是陡坡、極稀疏植被、缺少實質性的風化層,以及 ...